CLEO Systems is a leading developer of innovative software solutions designed to support primary, urgent, and emergency care settings.
The HETT Show Exhibitor has also launched an electronic prescription system alongside NHS Digital to help boost sustainability and support both staff and patients.
As an official exhibitor for the upcoming Healthcare Excellence Through Technology (HETT) conference in September, we caught up with David Brown, Managing Director at CLEO Systems to discuss enhanced electronic prescription systems (EPS), focused patient outcomes and their latest successful launch accreditated by NHS Digital.
David Brown: CLEO Systems provides healthcare software solutions, which have been designed in collaboration with clinical experts to improve operational efficiency and clinical safety all whilst being focused on enhancing patient outcomes. We are proud to be part of a wider social enterprise, we have the unique chance to collaborate with in-house clinicians to provide maximum patient benefits via our Group, IC24.
We focus on collaborating with our customers and the wider NHS community to develop digital innovations to redefine services. We always want to improve existing processes so that they are faster and more accurate while still being clinically safe. We pride ourselves on ensuring that through actionable insights, services can deliver efficient patient care, in the right setting and that onward referrals are managed smoothly and can be easily reported against.
We work within a range of healthcare settings, from mental health trusts to urgent treatment centres; from hospital trusts to integrated urgent care services to provide interoperable, clinical support for clinicians.
HETT: Brilliant services provided! With your experience, what are some of the biggest challenges that you have identified when working closely with your NHS/Care partners?
David Brown: We all know that healthcare moves at such a pace, that our biggest challenge is keeping up with the ever-changing customer demand, especially during Covid, we are constantly learning and adapting. We’ve worked with Trusts and with NHS Digital and NHSX, which has been such a collaborative team experience. Everyone involved has one focus: making things better for patients and for staff members too.
HETT: Pertinent points mentioned. Tell us how working with your products and solutions can help tackle some of the challenges that exist within digital health.
David Brown: The reason that we developed and recently launched our CLEO SOLO EPS electronic prescription system was due to the challenges faced by clinicians and patients in a wide range of outpatient secondary care settings. The solution was developed during the Covid pandemic to give clinicians instant prescribing. We have now completed a successful First of Type pilot with a major NHS trust and achieved accreditation from NHS Digital.
Before using the solution, clinicians were handwriting prescriptions and delivering them to patients by post or in person. The solution enables patients’ prescriptions to be entered and sent electronically to a nominated community pharmacy of a patient’s choosing and is already demonstrating a range of benefits. The biggest impact being a reduction in the potential for prescribing errors, cutting down travel time and costs for patients, and freeing up time for clinicians and patients.
HETT: We will be hosting HETT Connect again this year, enabling speakers to meet with exhibitors on a 1:1 basis. Who are you hoping to meet?
David Brown: We’d love to meet teams that are experiencing challenges with prescribing into the Community, including those that work in an integrated urgent care setting, NHS trusts, and pharmacies.
HETT: As HETT Show approaches (27-28 Sept @ExCeL London), tell us what you are looking forward to the most at HETT Show 2022.
David Brown: We are really looking forward to being able to showcase our solutions and networking with our interoperability partners and NHS colleagues alike.
We are also looking forward to listening to a wide range of different professional speakers at the event from the urgent care sector to digital innovation, including Anna King from the Health Innovation Network, John O’Connell from SCW CSU and Dr Timothy Ferris from NHS England & Improvement.
HETT: Thank you for your time today. It’s been a pleasure catching up with you David and learning more about how CLEO Systems contributes to the evolution of the healthcare sector. We look forward to seeing you at HETT Show (27th & 28th September, ExCeL London)!

With many thanks to CLEO Systems