In this session, Iron Mountain will be presenting their experience supporting Trusts in their digital journey and encouraging a benchmarking exercise among attendees to share best practice in this area.
This can include ensuring access to the right data at the right time for the right teams, while security requirements are met. It can also include fully digitalising records to enable future analysis of data sets.
The ultimate goal of all these disciplines is to enable more efficient and effective treatment of a greater number of patients.
The Problem: The NHS faces unprecedented waiting lists and other challenges. Accessing a full picture of every patient is critical to providing the right care and enabling the most efficient use of resources, yet many Trusts are still struggling to do this.
Why Attend Now: Iron Mountain have helped numerous NHS Trusts with the digital transformation programmes, enabling both the digitisation of legacy records and improving visibility of patient data. We will be talking about our experience and guiding audience contribution around best practice in this area.
This Roundtable is recommended for: CIOs; Heads of Informatics; Head of Transformation/Digital Transformation; Heads of IT
Iron Mountain Incorporated (NYSE: IRM) is the global leader in innovative storage and information management services, storing and protecting billions of valued assets, including critical business information, highly sensitive data, and cultural and historical artifacts.