The Masimo SafetyNet solution is keeping its promises to the Centre Hospitalier Delafontaine in Saint Denis. It enables the transition of premature patients back to home, reduces length of stay and reassures families while fostering caregiver involvement and quality of care.

The Emergence of Homecare

“Home hospitalization for preterm infants, when achievable, tremendously benefits the children as well as the parents” – such is Pascal Bolot’s starting premise (Head of the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at the Saint Denis hospital). In fact, Saint Denis hospital is quite knowledgeable on this topic. In partnership with the ARS (regional health agency), Dr. Bolot’s NICU has already implemented “home visits” to address the lack of care after hospital discharge and to alleviate the distress of the abrupt shift from hospital to home for families. This initiative enabled the hospital to take part, along with 11 other facilities in France, in a trial of remote neonatal monitoring at home. Today, the experiment is going even further, thanks to Masimo SafetyNet®, an innovative digital solution chosen by the hospital that enables "bringing premature newborns into a secure home environment equivalent to hospital-grade monitoring quality", adds Alizée Lori (doctor in charge of the mobile neonatal unit).

A Connected Device As Efficient as It Is User-Friendly      

From both technical and organizational perspectives, Masimo played a crucial role in supporting and training medical teams within their environment. This support is essential for change management, especially as carers are concerned about and motivated by innovative solutions for patient care. Masimo SafetyNet solution offers multiple advantages for families and hospitals alike. In fact, beyond its performance, its ease of use stands out: a wearable pulse oximetry sensor is attached to the patient, and it transmits data near real time via an application on the parents’ smartphone and a web-portal accessible to the medical staff in charge. In case of alerts, all relevant staff can respond promptly. The system also serves as a relay between the hospital and the community, providing comprehensive support to patients and their families.

Dr. Bolot sees this as an unexpected opportunity to “put the premature newborn back at the center of care”.

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